Stop Lecture, Early Success Steve Jobs

Even if Steve Jobs is currently regarded as being an innovator, it all did not just happen overnight. Journey of a Steve Jobs to success is a long journey away from the word altogether smooth. Interestingly, all of that just happened after Steve decided to quit college. Why?

"If I did not quit college, I'm not going to take a calligraphy class, and personal computer will never have the wonderful typography is today," said the late Steve Jobs when he spoke before students at Stanford University in 2005, as quoted by the Washington Post.

Steve Jobs does not come from wealthy families. Tuition is given both parents were only able to finance tuition for six months. That's when Steve decided to quit college and took a calligraphy class at Reed College.

At the same time the deceased had also told the students not to stop learning. "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish," he said at the time. 'Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. "itself is not the original statement of Steve Jobs. He took it from the back cover of The Whole Earth Catalog is a source of inspiration at that time. Steve even called the catalog, published by Stewart Brand is Google in the print version.

"And now, as you graduate to begin Anew, That I wish for you. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish," said Steve Jobs finished his speech at that time.

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