Business marijuana in the Netherlands

Marijuana into the political and economic debate in the Netherlands.

Christian Democratic Party, one of the government coalition parties in the Netherlands, plans to limit the total consumption of cannabis in this country by shutting down the license to sell marijuana over 700 owned coffee shops. However, this plan met with strong, not only by the opposition but also from the world of tourism business.
Since the ruling, conservative coalition managed to pass rules that make the 'sale' on cannabis could just club members only aliases local residents only. Foreign tourists of course can not, because not listed.
Some cities have implemented tightening, by limiting the distance of coffee shops with the school or by transferring them to the periphery. October 1, coffee shops in Maastricht has banned all foreigners from neighboring countries, namely Belgium Netherlands and Germany to consume cannabis.
Criminologists Dirk Korf of the University of Amsterdam states, not clear whether Dutch public supports this program. But he warned, the conditions are now much better than the marijuana sold on the streets during the era of the 1980s.
And according to the Trimbos Institute, only 5 percent of Dutch people who smoke marijuana or hashish in 2011, below the European average of 7 percent.
World imitated
The Netherlands was not legalize marijuana, just tolerating the sale and planting of marijuana to a certain size. The way the Netherlands is also a comparative study in overcoming the addiction problems of this illicit material.
Last June, a number of global leaders to question the success of the 'war against drugs'. The Global Commission on Drug Policy whose members include former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso and former Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Anna's stated strategy of banning marijuana, jail users simultaneously combating cartel traffickers has failed.
They mentioned, the experiment Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland to make the easing of marijuana use should be followed. Proven way they reduce addicts.
Portuguese even more advanced than the Dutch to abolish all criminal for all sorts of drugs, to replace prison with counseling and therapy.
But apparently, the Dutch Christian Democratic Party argued the opposite, easing will bring negative effects. "In other countries there is no tolerance at all," they said on the official website. "Dutch coffee shops has attracted many tourists, especially in border areas, has led to chaos."
Now they plan to implement the Maastricht model for the entire Netherlands, including capital, Amsterdam. Cannabis users must be registered.
Obviously there is opposition to this plan, of course, the first of its users. "Many of my customers local people, artists, writers, doctors, lawyers and professionals," said Paula Baten, Siberie coffee shop manager in Amsterdam. "They did not want his name recorded, not knowing who can see or use it. If not, they will look for marijuana on the streets."
"The government is clearly more Christian, more right wing. They do not want drugs, but they forgot the effects of alcohol (which is legal)," he said.
And concern shown to the managers of the coffee shop. Foreign tourists who have difficulty getting local residents to buy marijuana asked for them at the coffee shop to be taken out. Cannabis consumption went back into the streets.
Amsterdam Mayor Eberhard van der Laan Dutch government opposes this plan. Mayor delivered at Reuters is struggling to convince the minister to not enforce that rule in its territory. Counterproductive, said the mayor.
What is not counterproductive. Dutch like most of Europe was hit by economic recession, even just its banking inject 40 billion euros. Revenue from the real sector will be vital, including one from tourism and taxes coffeehouse.
Each year is estimated to 850 million euros or more than Rp 10 trillion in tax revenues come from the coffee shop. Not to mention the budget savings from no need for law enforcement to smoke marijuana misdemeanors. Not to also calculate the revenue from tourists who visit.
Professor Korf find, tourists who visit the coffee shop at least spend 200 euros for a hotel room or go to nightclubs. Jackie Woerlee, a person who has a business tour of marijuana, saying the royal family of one of its customers in the Middle East. Once visited for several weeks rent luxury apartments, shopping in expensive shops.
"They can easily spend 100 euros in coffee shops (including the purchase of marijuana), but not only that, he also ate, rent an apartment," he said.

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