Linux For Human Beings


Ubuntu comes from the ancient language of Africa, which means "taste humanity against fellow human beings". Ubuntu also means "I am me because of the existence of us all". The purpose of the Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit is embodied in Ubuntu to the software world.

Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available and have good support from community and professional experts. Ubuntu itself was developed by the Ubuntu community volunteers and we invite you to participate to develop Ubuntu!
The Ubuntu community is formed based on the ideas contained in the Ubuntu philosophy: that software should be available free of charge, that software applications should be used in their respective local languages ​​and for people who have physical limitations, and that users should have freedom to modify the software in accordance with what they need.
These freedoms make Ubuntu fundamentally different from proprietary software (proprietary); not just the equipment you need available free of charge, but you also have the right to modify your software until the software works the way you want.
The following is a public commitment to the Ubuntu team to its users:

Ubuntu will always be free of charge, therefore there will be no additional costs for the "enterprise edition", we will make all of Ubuntu's best work available to everyone with the same Free terms.
Ubuntu also provides commercial support from hundreds of companies around the world. Ubuntu is released regularly and can you predict; latest Ubuntu release available every six months. Each release will be supported by Ubuntu with improvements in security and other fixes are free for at least 18 months.
Ubuntu will include the best translations and accessibility infrastructure that is owned by the Free Software community, it is useful to make Ubuntu can be used by many people. We are also working with the entire Free Software community in terms of bug fixes and code sharing.
Ubuntu is fully committed to the principles of free software development; to this we encourage people to use free software and open source, then fix it and then pass it back.
Ubuntu is suitable for both desktop and server. Ubuntu currently supports a variety of computer architectures such as PC (Intel x86), 64-bit PC (AMD64), PowerPC (Apple iBook and Powerbook, G4 and G5), and Sun's UltraSPARC T1 (Sun Fire T1000 and T2000).
Ubuntu includes more than 16,000 pieces of software, and for desktop installations can be performed using only one CD. Ubuntu includes all standard for desktop application from word processing, spread sheet application (spreadsheet) to the application to access the Internet, software for web servers, equipment for programming languages ​​and of course a variety of games.

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