Backtrack in Ubuntu

How Install Backtrack in Ubuntu

Lets see what can we do…..if you want to install tool in BT to the Ubuntu System You have…lets do it…

 1. U must go in the console or terminal in ubuntu linux
2. write this console
    ” sudo -i” and then post your password…..
3. if finish write again this console in your terminal
    ” sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ”
4. If the sources has open in gpedit……enter this code in sources…..the code       is
    “deb http://archive.offensive-security.com pwnsauce main microverse         macroverse restricted universe multiverse ”
    if your ubuntu 10.04. not problem because this sources working in         10.04……

5. and then write this console in your terminal if step up has been finish
    ” sudo wget -q http://archive.offensive-security.com/backtrack.gpg -O- |     sudo apt-key add – ”

6. lets to doing again….in this step you must update your ubuntu the console is
   ” $ sudo apt-get update ”

7. and the tools in BT alredy install…..

u want to anything tools in Back Track installed in your ubuntu….go to Synaptic package manager or in ubuntu 10.04 in ubuntu service center can do it……

so good luck for use tools Backtrack in your ubuntu 

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