LAN Network

Know Your LAN Network Device
 Serves to connect the UTP cable with other UTP cable.
1. Modem (Modulator Demodulator)

This device serves to surf on the internet where he converts the digital signal from the computer into analog signals and then sent by line telecommunications / telephone, fiber optic, and copper and returned again and converted into analog signals into digital signals by the modem.
Example of one of the ADSL modem is a modem (Asymetric Digital Subscribe Line) which uses the phone connection using Spliter as a divider line. Splitter positions are placed in front when the incoming phone line. This means you can not graft to the ADSL modem line with direct sound. Splitter useful tool to eliminate distractions when you're using ADSL modem. With Splitter both can run simultaneously, so users can answer and calling someone with a regular phone. On the other hand, users can still connect to the Internet via ADSL modem.
2. Hubs and Switches

This device works on layer 2 in OSI layer, used as a pathway to connect a PC or host within a network group, for the analogy that if there are 10 PCs who want to exchange data between one another and use a printer for use with- equal, then the media is needed as the data path, then that is where the hub or switch role.

Example:PC1 to PC8 then exchange data with its data paths that PC1 - Switch - PC8PC1 PC6 want to use the printer in the data path that is PC1 - Switch - PC6 - Printer
The difference between the Hub and Switch is in its data transfer speed. Hub just repeats the incoming signal from the hub to all existing ports on the hub, so only one process can be done alone, and other processes carried out after the other process is completed.While in the switch each port also serves as a bridge. If a port is connected to a device then the principal of each device will be independent of other devices.
Another difference is that the 10/100 Ethernet hub only works in half-duplex, this means a device can only send or receive data at any given time. While the switch is able to work in full-duplex, which means able to receive and transmit data at the same time.
Example:In a LAN network, there are 10 PCs, each PC to a variety of processes simultaneously. PC1 to print in PC3, PC2 perform data transfer with the PC3, 4, 5, 6 and the other PC to download. This can be done by the switch because the switch could process simultaneously, while the other hub to process after the process has been completed previously.
3. Router

This device works on OSI layer 3, serves to connect different networks and forwarding to other networks. The difference between the switches, switch serves to connect devices to form a LAN network, while router connects a LAN to the LAN network and forward them to other another LAN network. Routers work at the MAN and WAN area.
Routers can also connect a LAN network to a network ISP (Internet Service Provider) such as Telkom, XL, Indosat, Biz Net, etc., usually is used for large companies to exchange data with other companies in presents a wide range of security and further optimize the data. From the concept network can then be made scheme VPN, Leased Line, etc.. It is possible I will discuss next time (^^).
4. Access Point

This device serves to connect an existing LAN network or radio frequency malalui we commonly know as wireless keperangkat such as a laptop or PC using wireless cards. This device is required when in a location a few laptops to connect to a LAN or the Internet without using a cable with an access point the user can connect to interenet or LAN.
How it works Access Point:
Eg Access Point with the following configuration:
IP address: client: -
Access Point emits a radio frequency, then each host (laptop) to find those frequencies, after the completion of the importance of the SSID (Service Set Identifier / name used on the wireless network Access Point) on a laptop with the name "AP TEST CONNECTION", after the user then connect each laptop to get an IP address between - After that the user can connect the LAN and the Internet.

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