Protecting Computer With Comodo Internet Security

Comodo Internet Security


If you frequently work using a computer, however you will save a lot of important files on your computer. And if you frequently use these computers to access the internet, you should be extra careful. There are so many threats on the Internet which can harm your important files. Your computer can be attacked by viruses while you are exploring the virtual world, and you will not even notice it. To protect your computer from all dangers that exist on the internet, you should use a good Internet security applications. Internet security application that will either prevent the entry of viruses, spyware, and other dangerous things.

There are so many internet security applications that you can use. One is the application of Comodo Internet Security. Maybe internet security applications one is quite foreign to our ears. However, internet security application offers enough protection features are worth a try.

Applications Comodo Internet Security provides protection from viruses, spyware, rootkits, bots, and other types of attacks. In addition to detecting viruses and other harmful things, this application can also eliminate all the threats that were found to maintain the security of the system and your valuable files. Comodo Internet Security applications also have the ability to prevent installation of malware on your computer. As we know, the malware is a kind of malicious applications that can steal important data as well as disrupt the computer's performance. Comodo Internet Security application also provides a very useful feature, namely Auto Sandbox Technology ™.

When you work using a computer, maybe you often find files that are not clear what its function. For the safety of your computer, you can try to run the file in sanbox provided by Comodo Internet Security. If you find that the file is a file that contains malicious or virus, your computer will remain safe.

Comodo Internet Security applications can be used on computers that use the operating system Windows 7, Vista, or XP SP2. Computer proficiency level also must have a minimum of 128 MB RAM and 350 MB hard disk space. If you think that you have to spend lots of money to buy the Comodo Internet Security application, you are wrong. You can download and use applications Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 for free for 1 year.

If you want to get internet security application that you can use for free for ever, you can download a free version of Comodo Internet Security. But, like most internet security applications that you can find on the internet, free version of Comodo Internet Security application provides only the features that are fundamentally alone.

To get more information and to download Comodo Internet Security application, you can visit its official website here.


Tools Script PHP

Tools For Optimization Script PHP

PHP is a script that is most widely used in the creation of websites in the world. If you often create a website using PHP programming language, here I give an information about some of the tools that you can use to optimize your PHP scripts.

1. PHPUnit
PHPUnit is a tool that can help you to test the stability and scalability in your web application.
PHPUnit also supports storage of test results and code coverage data in the Test Database.

2. SimpleTest
SimpleTest is an open source testing framework for PHP programming language created by Marcus Baker.
Exam structure is similar to JUnit / PHPUnit.
SimpleTest support mock object and can be used for automatic regression testing of web applications with a scriptable HTTP client that can parse the HTML pages and things like simulate clicks on links and form submittings.

3. PHP_CodeSniffer
PHP_CodeSniffer is a tool to detect coding errors in applying the standards.
PHP_CodeSniffer is a tool that will ensure that your code remains clean and consistent.
PHP_CodeSniffer also can help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

4. dBug
dBug is ColdFusion's cfDump for PHP.
This is a simple tool for outputting data tables that contain information about arrays, classes, objects, database resources and XML resources.
dBug very useful for debugging purposes.

5. Selenium
Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a tool that allows you to write automated web application UI in any programming language against any HTTP website using JavaScript-enabled browser.
Can be used with PHPUnit to create and run tests automatically in a Web browser.

thanks i hope this helpful...


BleachBit Portable

Clean File Trash With BleachBit Portable

Hard disk capacity is not big enough is often a problem for computer users. To clean the unused files, such as temporary files and so forth, computer users can just do it manually. However, cleaning the hard disk of unnecessary files manually will certainly spend a lot of time. To do it all with ease, computer users can use the software BleachBit.
BleachBit software helps computer users to clean up unnecessary files so that they can utilize their hard disk storage capacity to the fullest. The software also helps computer users keep their privacy. BleachBit clear the cache, delete cookies, erase Internet history, remove temporary files, delete logs, and other clean up junk files. BleachBit software can be used on computers that use Windows and Linux operating systems.
BleachBit software able to clean up junk files generated by other software such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Adobe Flash, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, and so on. However, this software does not only remove the junk files is simple. BleachBit shredding also provides features that can be used to remove the files permanently. That is, the file is removed with the features of earlier shreadding file will not be raised again with the software for file recovery. BleachBit can completely eliminate files that never exist without the slightest trace, and also clean junk files from other software such as Firefox to help him work with more leverage.
To be able to use the software BleachBit, computer users need not spend a dime. BleachBit is open source software that can be used free of charge. To download the software BleachBit, computer users can visit bleachbit.sourceforge.net


Ubuntu 11.10

Linux Ubuntu 11.10

 The development of the Ubuntu Linux OS arguably the most rapid in comparison with the other OS-OS. This is because the schedule remains the concern of Canonical released the latest Linux OS on each April to be in the know of the code release "04" and October with the release code "10". In addition, because the contribution of user interaction in the world that Ubuntu is also very actively supporting the development of Open Source OS, thus perfected was the fastest.
This year after the release of ubuntu 11:04, Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu OS developers introduced the latest version of Ubuntu 11:10 with the code name "Oneiric OCELOT" wild cat Mexico, scheduled for release on October 13, 2011.
11:10 Ubuntu will eventually have 3 kinds of releases Alpha, Beta 1 release, and the Release Candidate and Final release following Ubuntu release schedule 11:10

June 2, 2011 - Alpha 1
30 June 2011 - Alpha 2
August 4, 2011 - Alpha 3
1 September 2011 - Beta
October 6, 2011 - RC

And this is a new one from Ubuntu 11:10
11:10 Ubuntu Desktop features:
  • Linux kernel 2.6.40;
  • GNOME 3;
  • GTK 3;
  • LightDM as the default login manager;
  • X.org 1:10;
  • Unity improvements and bug fixing;
  • Unity usability, accessibility, automated and stress testing;
  • Mozilla Thunderbird as the default mail client (Alpha 3);
  • Utilities for building localized CD's;
  • FeatureFreeze was moved after Alpha 3;
  • Backports package selection was integrated into the UI;
  • Improvements to the Software Center's Reviews and Ratings functions;
  • Improved multiarch;
  • Python Will be updated to version 2.7 and 3.2
  • New artwork!
  • 11:10 Ubuntu Server features:
  • Orchestra enhancements;
  • OpenStack · Will be used for the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud;
  • MySQL 5.5;
  • Percona Server;
  • MariaDB;
  • Jenkins;
  • Ensemble (PPA);
  • Cloudera Hadoop;
  • Automated testing of server installs.

you can download ubuntu 11.10 here


Backtrack in Ubuntu

How Install Backtrack in Ubuntu

Lets see what can we do…..if you want to install tool in BT to the Ubuntu System You have…lets do it…

 1. U must go in the console or terminal in ubuntu linux
2. write this console
    ” sudo -i” and then post your password…..
3. if finish write again this console in your terminal
    ” sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ”
4. If the sources has open in gpedit……enter this code in sources…..the code       is
    “deb http://archive.offensive-security.com pwnsauce main microverse         macroverse restricted universe multiverse ”
    if your ubuntu 10.04. not problem because this sources working in         10.04……

5. and then write this console in your terminal if step up has been finish
    ” sudo wget -q http://archive.offensive-security.com/backtrack.gpg -O- |     sudo apt-key add – ”

6. lets to doing again….in this step you must update your ubuntu the console is
   ” $ sudo apt-get update ”

7. and the tools in BT alredy install…..

u want to anything tools in Back Track installed in your ubuntu….go to Synaptic package manager or in ubuntu 10.04 in ubuntu service center can do it……

so good luck for use tools Backtrack in your ubuntu 


How to back up Linux

Linux gives you plenty of control over your computer, but with great power comes great responsibility. That means backing up your files regularly (among other things), and while cloud storage is attractive, for many of us, it's not enough. Here's how to back up your data (note: I am using Ubuntu, so the details may differ somewhat if you use a different distribution):

1. From the search bar, just type "backup" to bring up preinstalled options.I'll be using Simple Backup Suite.
2. From the first tab (General), tell Linux how often you want to perform a complete back up and what format, if any, to use for compression.

3. Select the Include tab to add files and directories. The default is pretty good for most users, but you may have some files hidden away that deserve to be backed up, so be thorough! You only have to do this once.
4. Select the Exclude tab if you want to keep some files or subfolders from being archived. There's no special reason to do this unless you're trying to save space (or you're a bit compulsive).
5. Make sure to select the Destination tab to pick your storage location. As with any other backup, you'll want it to be as secure as possible. A network location is probably best, though your needs may vary.

6. The Schedule tab lets you set a schedule to do incremental backups of files that have changed since the last backup. This happens in the background and shouldn't interrupt your day-to-day work.
7. Click the disk icon at the top to save your settings, then click the drive icon to back up your files. The first one will take a while, most likely, as will future complete backups, so you may want to schedule them for downtimes.

That's it. Once you've worked through this, the only reason you'd need to revisit the tool is to change the frequency, location, or contents of your backups. Do it as soon as you can--even Linux can't protect you from disk failure!


11:10 Ubuntu Present

User Interface Unity, Launcher & Dash's New in Ubuntu

Ubuntu officially launched the Ubuntu operating system 11:10 'Oneiric OCELOT' to be downloaded for free by fans and users of Linux by Canonical.

11:10 Ubuntu Oneiric OCELOT became the fifteenth release of the popular Ubuntu operating system. Comes with a variety of new features, fixes and improvements in various sectors. Built on the latest version of the Gnome desktop environment 3.2, Oneiric OCELOT bring an increase in Unity and peluncurnya panel.

11:10 Ubuntu is available for download from the mirror servers around the world, including all versions of the Ubuntu family (Ubuntu Destkop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntuk Cloud, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu, Mythbuntu and Ubuntu Studio).
What's interesting is 11:10 Ubuntu User Interface with a launcher and DASH to access applications and find new applications.In addition there is the Ubuntu Software Centre which makes it easy to find and install new applications.
Here are the main features and enhancements in Ubuntu 11:10
Key Features:

    1. Unity 3D interface 4:22;
    2. Unity 2D interface 4:12;
    3. GNOME 3.2.0;
    4. Linux kernel 3.0.4;
    5. X. Org 7.6;
    6. Xorg Server 1.10.4;
    7. Upstart 1.3;
    8. GCC 4.6 toolchain;
    9. Python 2.7.2;
  10. Compiz Fusion 0.9.6;

 Additional Features:

    1. Increased beauty destkop; powered by Unity peluncurnya panel and
        which have now been ported to GTK3.
    2.Two methods of login; you can choose to use 3D or 2D interface.
    3.The new login screen; 11:10 Ubuntu is now using LighDM, a login manager
        that is lightweight and beautiful.
    4.Function key combination Alt + Tab new.
    5.Fourteen new wallpaper.
    6.The new Ubuntu Software Center; has been redesigned with a more
       professional interface.
    7.Mozilla Firefox 7; The latest version of Mozilla's popular web browsers.
    8.Mozilla Thunderbird 7; Manager emails from Mozilla that has now become
       the default email client  for Ubuntu 11.10.
    9.Deja DUP; new backup device.
  10.Support Multiarch; better compatibility for 32-bit architectures to 64-bit
  11.Supports the ARM architecture; Just for Server version.
  12.Support multiple languages ​​for the script; Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
  13.Hybrid CD / USB ISO Images; possible to copy the ISO Images directly on
       a USB disk.
  14.Music new lens; associated with the Banshee application that facilitates the
       search for music both locally and online.
  15.And other interesting features.

Ubuntu officially available in 32-bit and 64-bit

Cheapest Tablet in the World

Aakash Tablet Cheapest World 
Made in India

India seems to be a very friendly country for the middle to lower. Especially for those who are still a student. The government provides a tablet named Aakash to students in India only costs 35 USD
DataWind tablet has a 7 inch screen using Connexant 366MHz chip, with 2 GB of storage facilities and 256 MB of RAM. As an early stage, about 100 thousand tablets will be launched next month.

With the tablet, the expected access to the Internet will become easier. Currently, only 8 percent of India's population has access to the internet in person. Not only that, the people of India also prefer to use a tablet PC instead.

Communication Minister of India, Kapil Sibal said that all the students in India should have this tablet. Meanwhile, if the public wants, then they should pay far more expensive, which is 61 USD course for the general public, this tablet will get a more complete feature.

we wait for its development

Update Froyo android 2.2 ke Gingerbread android 2.3


if you are the owner of the Samsung Galaxy Tab and Samsung Galaxy S, dated May 16, 2011, Samsung announced the availability of an update to the Android Gigerbread 2.3 for Samsung GALAXY S, GALAXY Tab and GALAXY Ace / Gio / Fit / mini. With Gingerbread update 2.3, users will get an improved performance in speed and user interface.
Excess Update Gingerbread

Some of the advantages which would you get if you upgrade from Froyo 2.2 to Gingerbread 2.3:

Faster. Multimedia content is increasingly rapidly due to falling consumption CPU processing rate at the time of Gingerbread. 3D graphics capabilities are also getting improved, so playing games will be more interesting and exciting.
More User-Friendly. The increase in the user interface that will make more rapid access to the user interface, more controlled and more intuitive. Copy-Paste functions also further enhanced to simplify the user.

Gingerbread Update Schedule

Gingerbread 2.3 upgrade will begin from the UK and other European countries, North America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East Asia, Africa and other countries in accordance with the regional schedule.

Gingerbread update will be available via Kies, device management software from Samsung, and can be directly downloaded via: http://www.samsung.com.


applications blackberry

suite of applications blackberry

BlackBerry Messenger – BBM v6.0 
Yahoo Messenger  
Facebook for BlackBerry – FB v2.0 
BlackBerry AppWorld – APPWORLD v2.0 
CAPTUREIT – Screen Capture 
UBERSOCIAL – Twitter Client 
OTA AmAze 
OTA Auto Lock 
OTA Auto Standby 
Accuweather – Push Weather
AIM For Blackberry – Instant Messaging
Amaze GPS – GPS/Mapping
Amazon.com:- Mobile Launcher
Autolock – Automatically Enter Standby
OTA BB Corrector
OTA BB Light
OTA BB Notepad
OTA BB Today
OTA BB Translator
OTA BB Weather
OTA Beam Blackberry
OTA Beejive
OTA BeejiveIM
OTA beetagg
OTA BenchmarkMagic
OTA Berry Blog Lines
OTA Berry Buzz
OTA Berry Query
OTA Berry Search
OTA Bery Look up
OTA Beyond411: 4.20.5
OTA Bible reader
OTA BilbyFile Lite v0.9.3
OTA BlackBerry Maps (RIM): 1.2.26
OTA Blackberry Messengger 5.0
OTA Blackberry Tools
OTA Blipsocial
OTA Buzz Me
Bank Of America App – Mobile Launcher
BB File Scout – File Browser
BB Light – Backlight Control
BB Notepad – Notepad App
BB Weather – Weather Application
Berry Unit Converter – Conversion Calculator
Beyond 411 – LocalSearch
Blackberry App World – Blackberry App World
BlackBerry Maps – GPS/Mapping
Bolt Browser – Internet Browser
BTSidekick – Location Search
BuzzMe – Vibrate & Ring Together
OTA Chronograph
OTA clock
OTA Compass
OTA Connection speed
OTA Countdown Timer
OTA Crack berry Home Screen Icon
Capture It – Screen Capture
CBC – Mobile Launcher
CNN- Mobile Launcher
Color ID – Customize LED
CrackBerry App Store – App Store Client
CrackBerry Button – CrackBerry Sounds
OTA Detik reader
OTA Dexrex
OTA Digby
OTA Docs 2 go v1.05
OTA Documents 2 Go v1.06
OTA Download video clip/youtube
OTA E Trade
OTA Easy Reach
OTA Edit Email
OTA Edocrab
OTA eReader Pro Beta
ESPN Mobile – Mobile Launcher
OTA Facebook V1.70
OTA File Explorer
OTA File Manager Pro
OTA Flickr Uploader (RIM)
OTA FlipSide
OTA free range
Facebook – Social Networking
Flickr – Social Networking
Flycast – Internet Radio
Freerange – RSS Reader
OTA Gcalsync
OTA Geo tip
OTA Google App
OTA Google Maps new version
Gmail App – Gmail Application
Google Maps – GPS/Mapping
Google Sync – Sync Device & Google Calendar
Google Talk – Instant Messaging
Hockey News – Mobile Launcher
OTA I love Blackberry
OTA I Stock Manager
OTA Indonesia Information
OTA inilah.com
iHeartRadio – Internet Radio
Infospace FindIt! – Local Search
Instango – Instant Messaging
JiveTalk – Instant Messaging
jmIRC – IRC Client
OTA Keyboard Locker
OTA Kompas dot com
OTA Log maid
LED Reset - Stop LED Flash
Live Search – Windows Live Search
Loopt – Social Networking
OTA Market Filter
OTA Market filter
OTA Max Memory
OTA Memory Up
OTA MetroNews Launcher
OTA Midpssh
OTA Minimoni
OTA Miss call Light
OTA Mobile BlackBerry™ Icon
Maratick – List Maker
MLB Mobile – Mobile Launcher
MSN Messenger – Instant Messaging
Myspace – Social Networking
Nobex Radio – Streaming Radio
NYTimes – Mobile Launcher
OTA Oxford
Obopay – Mobile Payment System
Opera Mini – Internet Browser
OTA Palringo
OTA PD reply as new1
OTA Peek-a-boo
OTA Pink Mob
OTA Pocket day
PacMan – Game
Pandora – Internet Radio
Poynt – Local Search
OTA Quick pull
OTA Quick SmS
QR Reader – QR Tag Reader
Quick Pull – Simulate Battery Pull
ReQall – Task Manager
Reuters – Mobile Launcher
OTA Save to MemoPad
OTA Shrink It
OTA Soft Reset
OTA Speed Test
OTA Stock Live viewer
OTA Stock Manager
ShoZu – Photo/Video Sharing
Shrink It – Resize Photos
Slacker Radio – Internet Radio
SlyDial – Dial to Voicemail
Snaptu – Widget/Shortcut App
Speedtest – Test Network Speed
Superpages – Local Search
OTA Tempo Interaktif
OTA The Street
OTA TinyTwitter
The Street – Mobile Launcher
Tinytwitter – Twitter Client
Twibble – Twitter Client
TwitterBerry – Twitter Client
Uber Twitter – Twitter Client
OTA Video App Mippin
OTA Viigo
OTA Vuclip mobile video search
Vlingo – Voice to Text
Wall Street Journal – Mobile Launcher
Washington Post – Mobile Launcher
Worldmate Live – Travel Manager
OTA Xplayer
YACTA- Twitter Client
Yahoo! Messenger – Instant Messaging
YouTube Launcher – Mobile Launcher
OTA Yahoo Go!
OTA Yahoo! Go: 3.0.43




      Network Security

      As we see today, the Internet has grown and grown to reach several million units of computers that are connected in various parts of the world. From day to day information is also contained in the Internet network is more complete, accurate, and important. . Information has become such a valuable asset that needs to get a more specific treatment. Besides that, the progress made in the development of computer operating system itself and utulitasnya already so far in which the level of performance, reliability and flexibility of the software becomes a major criterion in the process of software development. With the increasingly important and valuable information and supported by advances in software development, certainly attract the breaker (hackers) and intruder (intruder) to continue experimenting to find and use any existing weaknesses of the system configuration information that has been established
      Departing from the above facts, there is a concept that is more commonly referred to as Network Security. At first, this concept explains more about security (security) of a system of computer networks connected to the Internet against the threats and harassment directed against the system. The scope of the concept is increasingly widespread, so at this time not only talking about computer network security problems alone, but rather lead to security problems of a global information network system. Several European countries and even America has made network security into one central point of attention of military parties respectively.
      Actually, this Network Security issue arising from the local computer network connectivity we have with the wide-area network (like internet). So, during our local network computer is not connected to wide-area network, network security problem is not so important. But this does not mean giving the sense that joining the wide-area network is a matter that 'scary' and full of danger. Network Security is only describe the possibilities that will arise from our local computer network connectivity with a wide-area network.
      In general, there are 3 (three) of keywords in the concept of Network Security, namely:

      risk / hazard level,
      threats, and
      system fragility (vulnerability)
      Risk or danger levelIn this case, the risk means how likely success of the intruders in order to gain access to the local computer network owned by a local network connectivity to a wide-area network. In general, the desired accesses are:

      Read Access: Ability to know the entire information network system.
      Write Access: Able to perform the process of writing or destroy the data contained in the system.
      Denial of Service: Closing the use of utilities to normal tissues by means spend a share of CPU, bandwidth and memory.
      ThreatIn this case, the threat means that people who try to gain access to illegal access to computer networks owned as if he had the authority to access to computer networks.
      Fragility System (Vulnerability)Fragility of the system has a sense of how much more protection that can be applied to the network owned by someone from outside the system from trying to gain illegal access to computer networks and the possibility of people from within the system gives access to the outside world the destructive nature of network systems.
      To analyze a global information network system as a whole about the level of reliability and safety is not something easy to implement. Analysis of a network system must be detailed information ranging from policy level to the level of practical application.
      For starters, it helps us see a network system that has become the main target point of the efforts of the burglary trial. In general, a computer network in the world using the Unix operating system as the platform. Unix has become an operating system that has high reliability and good performance level. However, Unix is ​​basically composed by the functions are quite complicated and complex. As a result, Unix also has some drawbacks such as bugs (programming algorithm mismatch) small sometimes not recognized by Unix programmers. In addition, utilities that use Unix as a platform, often have their own bugs as well. Well, these are things that are often exploited by hackers and intruders around the world.
      To prevent successful exploits of hackers and intruders such, developed a concept known as UNIX Network Security Architecture. This architecture includes 7 layers of security at the network level. All seven layers are as follows:

      Ply to-7: Wisdom
      Ply to-6: Personnel
      Ply to-5: Local Area Network
      Ply to-4: Limit the Network
      Ply to-3: Gateway
      Ply to-2: Packets Filtering
      Ply to-1: Limit Foreign Network
      WisdomLapis wisdom to be protective against overall network security and protection programs are implemented. This tier has the function of defining the policies of organizations ranging from the greatest risks which may occur up to how to implement the policy was taken against the basic procedures and equipment used. These layers become one of the major determinants of success of protection and security systems.
      PersonnelThese layers define humans in terms of information network systems. Personnel who perform installation, configuration, operating up to the people who can run accesses are available in the system are included in this layers. Measures taken in this layer should basically reflect the objectives to be achieved in the protection and security of this program.
      Local Area NetworkThe next layers define the tools and data that should get protection. In addition, this layer also includes procedures for the supervision and control that is often applied in the system.
      Limit In Limit NetworkIn the network layer defines the physical system connected to the "buffer" which became a divider between the local information network systems with external networks. This limit is important because this point became the main target of exploitation attempts to gain illegal access. It's good buffer zone is concentrated at one point so that the implementation procedures of supervision and control becomes easier. Likewise, when the attacks come from outside the system, only there will be one of the most major entry point. Thus, the system will be easier to isolate possessed of connectivity to the outside when an interruption occurs.
      GatewayDefine a gateway to and from the main door system owned. Wisdom of protection and security of a system that connected with wide-area network should direct more efforts are there to secure this layer as possible. Service-public service is better placed on those layers in order to minimize the possibility of further access into the system.
      Filtering PackagesThese layers define a platform that sits between the network interface layer 3 (gateway) with a network interface into the application of the method Firewall. Lapis is seen more as a program that exercises oversight (monitoring) of data packets that enter or exit the system.
      Outer Limits NetworksOuter Limits Networks defines the point where the system is connected with a wide-area network and we have no direct control over that point.
      As already described above, layer-3 to be the main point and the most vulnerable in this security network. Implementation of policy taken at this layer can only be done in software. There are several types of security software that can be used to strengthen the protection and security systems business on this tier to-3. Among these are:
      TCP WrapperThis program provides monitoring and control of network services. Basically, conducted by this program is to generate a log of activities occurring relationships. This program can be taken free of charge via anonymous FTP via ftp.cert.org located in the directory pub / tools / tcp_wrappers / tcp_wrappers .*
      SwatchSwatch Program combines log lists that have been created by other utility programs in addition to the benefits that can be configured so that at the time of logging, Swatch can perform other actions based on certain priorities. Swatch is available via anonymous FTP from sierra.stanford.edu in the directory pub / sources.
      SOCKS library and sockdThis program became an alternative to the implementation of the concept of "TCP Wrapper". The main usefulness of this program is to concentrate all common Internet services at a point. "Sockd" run by "inetd" at the demand for certain services appeared and only allow connections from hosts that have been registered. This program is of course also do the activity logs relating to the connection. This program can be obtained via anonymous FTP on host s1.gov in the directory / pub with the name socks.tar.Z.
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