Tools Script PHP

Tools For Optimization Script PHP

PHP is a script that is most widely used in the creation of websites in the world. If you often create a website using PHP programming language, here I give an information about some of the tools that you can use to optimize your PHP scripts.

1. PHPUnit
PHPUnit is a tool that can help you to test the stability and scalability in your web application.
PHPUnit also supports storage of test results and code coverage data in the Test Database.

2. SimpleTest
SimpleTest is an open source testing framework for PHP programming language created by Marcus Baker.
Exam structure is similar to JUnit / PHPUnit.
SimpleTest support mock object and can be used for automatic regression testing of web applications with a scriptable HTTP client that can parse the HTML pages and things like simulate clicks on links and form submittings.

3. PHP_CodeSniffer
PHP_CodeSniffer is a tool to detect coding errors in applying the standards.
PHP_CodeSniffer is a tool that will ensure that your code remains clean and consistent.
PHP_CodeSniffer also can help prevent some common semantic errors made by developers.

4. dBug
dBug is ColdFusion's cfDump for PHP.
This is a simple tool for outputting data tables that contain information about arrays, classes, objects, database resources and XML resources.
dBug very useful for debugging purposes.

5. Selenium
Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a tool that allows you to write automated web application UI in any programming language against any HTTP website using JavaScript-enabled browser.
Can be used with PHPUnit to create and run tests automatically in a Web browser.

thanks i hope this helpful...

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